Kitty's Ladder Rewards

Ways to Earn Cards:
Earn 1 x Rung 1 card for each $10.00 USD (Whole number) spent in the shop. For example a $10.25 order earns 1 x Rung 1 Card; a $23.45 order earns 2 x Rung 1 Cards; a $29.99 order earns 2 x Rung 1 Cards.

Various giveaways will be run during stream with Ladder Cards as the reward (no card purchase necessary).

Ladder cards will also be attached to various promotions.

Your Ladder Bag:
Upon earning or winning Ladder card(s) your cards will be placed into your Ladder Bag. They will be held there for safe keeping. When you earn or win additional card(s) they will continue to be placed into your Ladder Bag.

Climbing the Ladder or Claiming Your Ladder Cards:
Each rung on Kitty's Ladder (1-6) requires a specific number of cards to get to your choices of

Trading in your full rung of cards for a card from the next rung


To claim the cards from your ladder rung and move them to your shipping bag/vault.

Rung 1: Requires 10 Cards
Rung 2: Requires 6 Cards
Rung 3: Requires 3 Cards
Rung 4: Requires 2 Cards
Rung 5: Requires 2 Cards
Rung 6: Must claim card (1)

Once you have a full rung (as listed above) you have 2 options; 1) Claim the 10, 6, 3 or 2 cards depending on the rung. This will move the cards from your Ladder Bag to your shipping bag/vault to be sent to you. 2) Trade in the 10, 6, 3 or 2 cards for a single card on the next rung up.

In the event the order queue is busy or you don't have the time to make a decision, your cards will be held in your Ladder Bag until a decision can be made. If you have more cards than makes a full rung, you are choosing which 10, 6, 3 or 2 cards you are trading up or claiming depending on the rung.

For Rungs 1 - 5 the reward card is always a blind random card from the group of cards at that rung level. These may be shuffled and drawn or they may be laid face down for you to pick a random number.

For those that achieve Rung 6 the reward cards will be laid face up and you will get to pick the specific reward card that you want. It will be rewarded to you and placed into your shipping bag/vault.

The intent is to never have a card removed from the ladder by us so you have a general idea of the types and values of cards you are climbing after. Because the value of cards can fluctuate from the time we put cards in the various rungs, it is our sole discretion to move a card, not yet given out, to the appropriate rung aligned with the reward value for that rung. This ensures you get cards of appropriate value. This ONLY applies to cards not yet in ladder bags, once they are won, earned, or rewarded to you and in your ladder bag, they are locked to you until you choose to claim or trade.

Shipping must be purchased to have your claimed cards sent to you.

In order to keep the cards moving in and off the ladder you may not hold more than 2x the amount of cards that makes a full rung. For example, once you have 12 cards on rung two, a decision must be made to either have 6 cards moved to your shipping bag or trade up (20 cards for rung 1, 6 cards for rung 3, etc). If you have double the amount of cards on any rung on shipping day (Sundays) then 1/2 the cards will be randomly auto moved to your shipping bag.

This game does not have an 'end date'. If, due to unexpected circumstances, KittyJean is no longer able to stream, all your earned ladder cards will be shipped to you regardless of quantity and rung number.

As administrators of the game, all decisions made by KittyJean or Steve_k0s are final.